Haunted Muse



Footsteps echoed through the empty station

and voices of long ago bounced off cold, tiled walls

Enjoying a moment alone, a respite from a chaotic life,

she willed the sunlight that kissed her face

to inspire her next journey

A deep, low whistle broke her reverie

as harried passengers left one train for another

and others passed by with unseeing eyes

She winked at the young girl in a rumpled dress

trailing behind a woman in white

In the moment when the child’s eyes met hers

and a smile lit up that pallid face,

she knew she’d found her next story

Pushing open doors of that abandoned depot,

she returned to the land of the living

and began to write

photo and prompt: Friday Fictioneers


  1. My muse always likes coming in when it’s convenient for her, unfortunately. A lot of times she brings it and then there are other times she doesn’t even show. Nice work, Michelle. Welcome to FF Central. Have a stop over at my blog and see what my muse brought to me this week. 🙂

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  2. Dear Michele,

    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. I know that muse, I’m working her overtime these days. Now that you’ve purchased your ticket for the FF Express I look forward to reading more from you. I hope you’ll take time to read other offerings. (Including mine of course. 😉 )



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