Changing Tides

Friday Fictioneers May 27.png

Because even the most jagged rock

is smoothed in time, burnished by tumultuous seas

and polished by gentle waves that follow,

I will wait on salt-sprayed shores

Because even the most fierce storm

is spent in time, stripped by prevailing winds

and dissipated by soft rains that follow,

I will stand beneath threatening skies

Because even the most well-planned voyage

is rerouted in time, upended by rogue waves

and delayed by recovery that must follow,

I will sail in rough water

Because today the sun shines bright and

offers promises of peaceful tomorrows

I will surrender to each changing tide

prompt: Friday Fictioneers

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


  1. This is so beautiful and uplifting, wonderful. I especially like the last lines, “Because today the sun shines bright and offers promises of peaceful tomorrows I will surrender to each changing tide”


  2. This is a beautiful poem, Michelle. The third stanza reminds of what I so often experience – planning for one destination and ending up in quite another. You might enjoy this poem by Jane Hirshfield called China.

    Whales follow
    the whale-roads.
    roads of magnetized air.

    To go great distance,
    exactitudes matter.

    Yet how often
    the heart
    that set out for Peru
    arrives in China,

    Steering hard.
    consulting the charts
    the whole journey.


    • Thank you so much for sharing this, LuAnne. What a beautiful poem.

      To go great distance,
      exactitudes matter.

      Yet how often
      the heart
      that set out for Peru
      arrives in China

      This rings so true. I appreciate your taking the time to share this. Thanks for your comments!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you. I’ve just followed you as well. Your “About” page is impressive and I am excited to read your work.

        Poet’s Corner is a great spot. It’s helped me both share my writing and to find talented poets like you. Looking forward to a long summer of reading!

        Liked by 1 person

    • I so enjoyed listening to your poem. I will have to investigate that feature, although I’m not sure I’d have the confidence to use it. Hearing you recite the words brought them to life.

      I love living by the ocean. I’ve lived in a few shoreline towns, but where I live now is my favorite. My husband and I often go for walks by the water to take advantage of this great place to reconnect and recharge. I love all the personalities of the sea, whether it’s a beautiful, sunny day or a gloriously stormy one. Thanks for your comments.


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