Without Fear

wasps nest Friday Fictioneer

Couldn’t be more different from the space where she found refuge

Landing in a world of polished beauty, hers was delicate

In that place of obvious strength, hers was subtle

While their beauty was celebrated in colors and shine,

hers held golden memories

Still, they surrounded her in a welcoming embrace

appreciating the symbiosis diversity brings

unafraid of the sting of the unknown

In her frayed edges, they found compassion

In her fragility, they learned humility

In the story of her past, they gained wisdom

because even in the contrast of lives unrelated

the power to nurture defines the future

photo and prompt: Janet Webb, Friday Fictioneers


  1. Lovely piece. I like how even at her age, she helps these refugees. She nurtures them, and they embrace her like family, “The power to nurture defines the future,” a great last line. I believe her nurturing helps these people more than she can possibly realize, she is their new home and they learn from her. The both need each other too.

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