Carve A Path – #Writephoto


Each is a unique journey

that path we carve through shifting sands

an ache that pulls toward a place of peace

Rapids tumbling over sharpened rocks follow a trail of worry

until letting go gives power to understand

each is a unique journey

Like the river meeting the sea piece by piece

navigation may require some twists and turns

that path we carve through shifting sands

The potential for brilliance is there

when we finally exhale and satisfy

that ache that pulls toward a place of peace

photo: Sue Vincent – #writephoto

prompts: Thursday photo prompt Shore – #writephoto, The Prompt (see below), #TLPoetry, #TastyPoem



  1. I love the repetition of ‘that path we carve through shifting sands’, very powerful and evocative. There’s a lot to think about in in this poem. Brilliant. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to add it to The Prompt linky for Potential which is still open, so I’ve added it in for you, but let me know if you’d rather I didn’t! Glad I popped over from #Prose4T and found this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the last stanza! It makes me think of how breath marries with life and satisfaction. I remember whenever I used to get nervous being coached to breathe and how right they were.Thank you for letting us into your journey and being vulnerable in this piece.

    Liked by 1 person

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