Weekend Coffee Share

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Today has been a long but productive one. I spent most of the day working on my blog plan for 2018. With my headphones on, I am able to slip into another world and concentrate on my goals. It’s hard sometimes not to become distracted by the goings on around me. My husband has been busy cooking meals for the week and the house smells amazing. One cat insists on sitting on my lap as I write and the other one is curled up on the rocking chair beside me. The dog lumbers over occasionally, looking for his turn to cuddle. That’s ok. It’s a nice break now and then.

If we were sharing a cup of coffee, you might remind me that there is a pile of papers to be corrected and grades to be entered. Reaching to refill your cup, I’d tell you that tomorrow is another day off. Tomorrow is the day I’ll play catch up. I might ask you what you think of the daily news, although the breaking story seems to change minute by minute. We’d agree we’re all weary by now. I’d tell you about our friend who returned home to Hawaii today and how angry he was over yesterday’s mistaken announcement. We’d both think of all the ones who suffered needlessly for those 38 minutes and hope such an error is never repeated.

I would offer a piece of the cheesecake. It’s my son’s favorite. He just turned 21 and is about to embark on the next phase of his journey. You would know from the smile on my face how happy I am for him.  I’d ask you about your life and your memories of childhood. We’d spend the afternoon talking about the passage of time.

I’d ask you about your future plans and share a little about mine. I think we’d agree that each chapter brings more gifts than burdens and that the way to get through those hard times is by holding onto the ones we love.

I’d tell you how excited I am about my husband’s new job and how proud I am of his accomplishments and that the future’s looking bright.

I’d tell you how much I’ve enjoyed our visit and tell you that you are welcome anytime.


photo: Pixabay


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