
Image Dance


Come closer

I’ve got a secret

It’s over, I’ve found closure

All the times you told me

dreams were meant for fools

and I believed you, I believed you

Yeah, I obeyed all the rules

Wasn’t it a slow spiral

that spin down the wrong path

almost lost my way following you

almost let my hopes crash

But then I took a chance

pinned my words on that shooting star

not knowing if they’d go far

I took a chance

daring to throw caution to the wind

I’m going to embrace this dance

under lights no longer dimmed

I’ve got a secret

Sharing it with the world

and I’ll post it on every corner

Memories of you, just a blur


I’ve got a secret

photo: Flickr/Chris Hays

prompts: Poets on the Page, Five Minute Friday/31 Days, #Poetteer Chat


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